The Benefits of Privacy Filters for Computers
Privacy filters are a quick and simple way of ensuring security to confidential information on your computer displays without lowering the q

Don’t Take Print Security For Granted
What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of cyber security?

利盟雲服務斬獲BLI 2019最佳解決方案大獎
利盟宣布其雲服務解決方案獲得BLI的2019年文檔影像軟件Pick Award和傑出成就獎。

打印設備本身可能是企業存在的安全風險之一 當IT團隊對更新計算機硬件保持警惕的同時,諸多機構中卻充斥著老化且安全性較差的打印設備。對違規行為的最佳防禦是立足於更新設備,並且是具有限制訪問使用和控制的安全訪問功能。

不論業務模式如何變化,生產力對於所有組織的成功都起到至關重要的作用,如果一家公司效率低下、時間和成本都會被無情浪費。除此之外,在當今的環境下,網絡安全也變得更加重要,特別是在GDPR法規出台後。 幸運的是,您在辦公室採用的設備及技術,特別是您選擇的打印服務,不僅可以幫助您提高工作

Vendors: If You're Ignoring Managed Print Services, You're Leaving Cash On The Table
Solution providers who are disregarding the managed print services opportunity are in danger of losing their customers to a rival.


Fuji Xerox & Lexmark release a response to the hacking of the fax machines
According to the report from Check Point Research - Faxploit: Sending Fax Back to the Dark Ages, Fuji Xerox has responded to this fax...

Managed print services: See what’s possible with Lexmark MPS
Enable greater enterprise efficiency with Managed Print Services. Understand your true output investment and how to make it work more effici

Standardize without compromise
Every IT professional understands the benefits of IT standardization, however, when it comes to the print fleet, standardization has been el