Lexmark awarded top EcoVadis Platinum Rating for Sustainability Achievements
Lexmark ranked in the top 1% of rated companies to receive Platinum status. TAGS: Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) Growing pressure...
Lexmark MX432adwe 隆重登場
非常適合您的業務 小巧玲瓏,可無縫融入工作環境中的狹小空間。MX432adwe 提供安全功能及解決方案,以滿足各行各業的嚴格要求,而託管打印服務 (MPS) 功能更可完美補足您的打印機組。 專心處理業務,無須費神操作 MX432 的強勁性能值得信賴,其打印速度高達每分鐘...
Environmentally Friendly Printing
Even in a digital age, printing is unavoidable regardless of whether at work or at home. A standard office printer can print upwards of 10,0